Lincoln Street Legends
We are really down in the drudges with this preview. Jay Thom returns as GM of one of the best logoed teams in the WNHL the Lincoln Street Legends. Under his reign as GM Thom has won exactly nothing. There was that one year that they looked good, but then the whole world decided that shutting down was the better option than letting the Legends get their greasy paws on the most coveted of all trophies the King Street Cup. The Legends sat in the five spot in the draft, let’s take a look at how they already screwed their season.
In the first round the Legends picked from last years call up list Blair Boychuck. This is the second Boychuck to be drafted in the first round, and if my memory serves, it’s the first time we’ve seen brothers go in the first round. Unfortunately for the Legends, at the time of this article, they have been unable to come to terms with a contract with Boychuck, who will sit out the beginning of the season. The Legends reached to the scrap pile and pulled up Marty “Party Mew” Pew to fill the spot. That’s a good start for the Legends. Unfortunately for the Legends there is more than one round to the draft.
In the second round the Legends picked up last years call up Brock “Conky” Conklin, and followed this up by selecting Chris “The River Rat” Accursi, who put up a whopping 5 goal, 12 point season, and followed this up by scoring 0 in the playoffs. A 5 goal scorer in the third rounds is a bold strategy, and combining that with hopefully a 10 goal scorer in Conky have set the Legends behind the 8 ball right off the hop.

In the next few rounds the Legends got back on track and selected Brian Barker, who most likely would have been rookie of the year last year if Kevin Wright didn’t set the league on fire with his play. Barker scored a lot of goals and most likely should have been a first or second round pick, but we discussed what the Legends did in those spots. Legends kept the motorized wheelchair rolling and picked Carm (not even trying to spell his last name but it ends with a vowel) and Pat “Hey Try Hard, Try Harder” Riley who boldly declared that he would score 20 this year, which is quite the statement for a guy who was drafted in the sixth round. The Legends then hitched the wheelchair to last years most improved player, goalie, Drewbie the Newbie. He made strides last year, and he looks to continue his ascent to the top of the WNHL goalie ladder.

Legends then dove head first into the rookie pool by selecting, Dave “Bruce” Nolan, and the cast off brothers, Kyle Brady and Charles Marcoux. Separated from their families, and most likely terrified, these two will look to form their own familial bonds through the season. The Legends also picked up Ryan Hazely, who I hope smokes weed because that a great weed smoking name. Jay Thom finished the draft will a couple key room guys, Kevin “Jr. Jackfish” Dyson and Johnny Msir, who has been in this league forever and I still couldn’t pick him out of a lineup.

In my not so humble opinion the Legends have not drafted a King Street Cup calibre team. They struggled last year, they’ll struggle again this year. The question now is if Jay Thom can keep the room from turning on each other.
Prediction: 8th