Hello WNHL Athletes,
Just wanted to drop some inspiring words to start the Inaugural WNHL Six-Pack Season 2019-2020.
With expansion comes new players. Some of the rookies have been involved in the WNHL in different capacities and some are brand new out of the package. Let’s make these new players feel welcome and enjoy all the aspects of the WNHL.
We are lucky to be in a Beer League that offers more than just hockey. The best parts of the WNHL are the things like the locker room time, beers and Pre-Game Nutrition at the Rex Hotel or Peter Pipers, the Draft, the WNHL BBQ, and hanging out in the parking lot after the game. From my vantage point I see that players that take advantage of the off-ice WNHL Activities have a better time with the league and get to know some great people. I know we all can’t make it early or stay late every Wednesday but making an effort from time to time will be a huge benefit. If you are just showing up for the ice and leaving right after every week you are missing out on a great experience. As the Commissioner, I believe if you have a beer with someone, you are less likely to slash that person. Share a beer-not a slash. This is how we can keep our competitive/fun balance in this league. In my eyes, if you only come for the hockey it is like buying a Kit-Kat Bar and only eating one bar of the four delicious goodness.
Another step to keep the WNHL, ‘The WNHL’ is more enhanced and detailed rules and a consequence system for this season. Please take the time to review the rule section of the website so everyone is on the same page. This will help avoid any unnecessary arguments between players.
Many of us have been looking forward to the new season since the King Street Cup was raised in April of 2019. This should be a great season. Remember, we all have a part in making this the best beer league in Canada. So get out there and enjoy what the league has to offer. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Keep an eye on the WNHL WhatsApp Info Thread, WNHL Website, WNHL Instagram and WNHL Twitter to keep up with all the activities of the league.
Remember you miss 100% of the pizza/wings you don’t eat.
Commissioner of the WNHL,
Kelly Jones