Author: Kelly Jones

WNHL Holiday Mayhem Details, Schedule and Rosters for 3 Hours of hockey action

The WNHL welcomes another Mayhem Tournament for the Christmas Season on December 30th at the Welland Youth Arena. This time it is our biggest yet with four teams and three hours. The Winning team will get a burger from MT Bellies.

We will also have free pizza at the Rex Hotel pregame starting at 5pm on Monday to ensure all athletes get the proper nutrition and hydration beforehand.

Tournament Structure

  • Each player needs to bring a Black and White Jersey
  • All games are 12 minutes – Run Time
  • 10 Player Per Team (plus a goalie)
  • There are no icings, no offsides.
  • Players can blow the zone at any time.
  • Penalties are 2 minutes run time.
  • When the goalie covers the puck, the ref will blow the whistles all players will need to tag the blue line to enter the zone. Once the whistle is blown the defensive team can move the puck.
  • When a goal gets scored the puck gets fired down the ice and the game can begin
  • Face-offs at the start of games and at the start of penalties
  • Wins are worth 3 points, Ties 1 point, Head-to-Head is the first tiebreak, Goals For is the second tiebreak, third tiebreaker is goal against.
  • Teams can pull the goalie whenever they see fit to break a tie to earn the f3 points.
  • No timeouts.
  • If the Championship Game is tied after 12 minutes. There will be a 4 minute 4-4 OT and then an NHL Style Shootout to claim the winner of the WNHL Mayhem 4 on 4 tournament.
Game TimeTeam (White Jersey)Team (Black Jersey)
7:05pmWelland Fairground FlyersSouthworth Seagulls
7:18pmLyons Creek LionsRex Hotel Dinos
7:30pmLyons Creek LionsSouthworth Seagulls
7:45pmWelland Fairground FlyersRex Hotel Dinos
8:00pmLyons Creek LionsWelland Fairground Flyers
8:15pmSouthworth SeagullsRex Hotel Dinos
8:35pmSouthworth SeagullsWelland Fairground Flyers
8:50pmRex Hotel DinosLyons Creek Lions
 Ice Re-Surface 
9:00pmLyons Creek LionsSouthworth Seagulls
9:13pmWelland Fairground FlyersRex Hotel Dinos
9:20pmLyons Creek LionsWelland Fairground Flyers
9:35pmSouthworth SeagullsRex Hotel Dinos
9:50pmChampionship GameChampionship Game

WNHL Holiday Mayhem Teams

Welland Fairground Flyers                          

  1. Steve LaRose
  2. Chris Woods
  3. Darren DiMarco
  4. Alain Robichaud
  5. Dylan Leahy
  6. Spencer Cook
  7. Brian Zanunttini
  8. Jeff Beadle
  9. John Harvey
  10. Charles Marcoux

Goalie – Ryan Giroux

Southworth Seagulls      

  1. Silvian Roy
  2. Jason Houle
  3. Chris Accursi
  4. Kelly Jones
  5. Sean Simpson
  6. Eric Sinclair  
  7. Jay Thom
  8. Scott Brady
  9. Phil Hauser
  10. Scott Macleod

Goalie – Colin Nun

Rex Hotel Dinos

  1. Peter Nun
  2. Ryan Daniels
  3. Brandon Daniel
  4. Brian Barker
  5. TJ VanBeveren
  6. Craig Laro
  7. Chewy McComber
  8. Grant Little
  9. Evan Fabiani
  10. Chad Kellmann

Goalie – Ryan Rumsby

Lyons Creek Lions

  1. Kevin Wright
  2. Phil Busby
  3. Chicken
  4. Paco
  5. Ryan St.Pierre
  6. Nick Rankin
  7. Dave Brown
  8. Michael Law
  9. Gavin Sardella
  10. McKinnon

Goalie – Anthony Young

Hitmen rock the WNHL Christmas Classic 2024

The Hooker Street Hitmen squeaked into the championship game on the backs of their food donation count and never looked back to claim their Championship Hats for the 2024 WNHL Christmas Classic. The tournament brought the best of the WNHL again as all four teams rallied to donate 3400 pounds of food for Open Arms Mission. We also did other things we excel at, have a good time, play some hockey and eat some Rex Hotel Pizza!!! Thanks to our sponsors the Rex Hotel and Presstime Design and Screen-printing. A special thank you to our volunteers who helped move all the donated food and handle registration.

WNHL Christmas Classic Ready to Roll out the Good Times and the Canned Goods

All eyes will be on Jack Ballantyne Memorial Arena on Saturday November 30th for the WNHL Christmas Classic. Where teams face off on the ice and with generosity of non-perishable Food Items for Open Arms Mission of Welland. Each team is guaranteed 3 games to battle it out for the most points. The first tie breaker is weight of donated foods of each team. When you show up to the tournament your team will have its donated food weighted, any fans that come to see you can bring food in your team’s name to help with the total weight in for your team. We hope to break our record of 5210 pounds of food set in 2022.

Every player is encouraged to bring as much as non-perishable food items for Open Arms Mission to help with the Food Weight. Which will be your first tiebreaker. No Beverages allowed to be donated. If you have fans of your team dropping off food for your team, make sure they do it before 3pm and have them report the team name to the registration desk in the lobby.

Here is how the tournament works:

  • Every team is guaranteed 3 games 3 – 10-minute Run time periods. The last two minutes of each period and penalties will be stop-time.
  • After each round robin game there will be a 3-shooter shootout where the opponent selects the shooters for the opposite team. The winner of the shootout will get one point in the standing. If there is no winner after 3 shooters no points will be awarded to either team.
  • After the round robin, the top two teams will play in the Championship Game for glory of being WNHL Christmas Classic Champions
  • Teams score points in the standings by winning periods (1), Game Ties (1), Game Wins (3) and shoutout wins (1)

Example #1 – if a team wins all three periods and the shootout the team will receive 7 points in the standings

Example #2 – if a team wins one period and ties the game and loses the shootout they will receive 2 points.

  • Tiebreakers go in this order, Donated Food Weight, Head to Head, Goals Against, and Goals for

What you get as a Team/Participant

  • Friendship, Fun and the sense of helping people less fortunate then you during the Holiday Season.
  • Each team gets 60 Ice cold beers in their locker room for enjoyment during the tournament (yes you will need to bring more to embrace true Holiday/Hockey Spirit Levels)
  • 5pm a party tray of pizza is delivered to your changeroom for carbo-loading.
  • 3 games and hopefully 4 of hockey magic
  • The Championship Team gets WNHL Christmas Classic Hats from Presstime Design in Welland
  • Post Game Pizza Party at the Rex Hotel

2024 WNHL Christmas Classic Schedule

Porch Pirates (Drew) – Orange Jerseys (Provided)

Hooker Street Hitmen (Younger) – Yellow Jerseys (Provided)

Maple Park Maunders (Rumsby) – Black WNHL or whatever Black Jersey

Canal Crushers (Deaner) – White WNHL or whatever White Jersey

Game TimeTeamTeam
2pmPorch Pirates (Drew)Hooker Street Hitmen (Younger)
3pmMaple Park Marauders (Rumsby)Canal Crushers (Deaner)
4pmCanal Crushers (Deaner)Porch Pirates (Drew)
5pmHooker Street Hitmen (Younger)Maple Park Marauders (Rumsby)
6pmMaple Park Marauders (Rumsby)Porch Pirates (Drew)
7pmCanal Crushers (Deaner)Hooker Street Hitmen (Younger)
8pmChampionship GameChampionship Game